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Robyn Cook and Lauren van Gogh, of the the Sober and Lonely Institute of Contemporary Art (SLICA) in collaboration with artists’ collective Machine Project in Los Angeles, are hosting a sunchronised running race which will take place simultaneously in Johannesburg and Los Angeles on 12 August 2012.

The final event of the 2012 Olympic Games in London, the Olympic Marathon, will take place on the same day, and the majority of the Olympic runners are likely to be finishing their race at the time that Sober and Lonely race begins.

The race will start in Los Angeles from Machine Project at 6:13AM (dawn) and in Johannesburg at 3.13pm from SLICA. The route is 3,45 miles/5.56 kilometre loop Marathon Street in Echo Park/Silver Lake in Los Angeles and through the Northern Suburbs in Johannesburg. The race is free and open to the public. If you would like to register to run in Johannesburg, contact Robyn Cook at robyn@soberandlonely.org, and to participate in Los Angeles, contact Lauren van Gogh at Lauren@soberandlonely.org.

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